Friday, June 27, 2008

Tips to overcome depression

What is depression?

Depression is a serious illness including sadness, discouragement, and hopelessness. Any person can be depressed for many reasons like loosing a job, feeling like a looser, break up with loved one, expecting a lot and getting nothing or very little, stressful family life, and after a intense incident like death of some one of you loved, misbalance of financial condition. Depression is a very serious problem that can lasts for days, weeks, months and can be even longer.

Sometimes everything every thing is going very smooth even then people get into depression. They feel sad, and they don’t want to talk with others. This happens because of imbalance of chemical in brain. This is a problem and you need to go to psychologist.

What kind of people go in depression?

According to me there’s not any kind of people who get depressed, it all depends on what situation you are gets into. Only the situation is the strongest reason which effect ones brain. Situation compels a person to start thinking in a negative way. And because of situation and negative thinking a person get into depression. It can happen with any one.

How to overcome of depression?

Brain switching

It is one of the best techniques to help you to overcome depression. Depression exists in the emotional part of the brain. Brain switching is a basic but important mental exercise to switch your brain from emotional and depressed state to other things. For example keep yourself busy in other logical mental exercise like playing chess or solving online puzzles. And try to concentrate on every work u do even if you are combing your hair, selecting your dress, listening to a song, or having your meal. Start thinking like you are not depressed and you are the best. Refuse to think that you are depressed.

Aerobic Exercise

The more you move your body, the better you will feel. Do some exercises, or any activity where you are active and moving, and you will notice that your mood will change. Exercise and fresh air play a big part in keeping depression and mood swings at bay. By aiming to get outside and jogging at least three times a week for half an hour at a time helps you clear your hear, think straight and aids concentration. It also gives you that 'runner's high' by releasing your endorphins that can instantly cheer you up.

Omega-3 fatty acids

1,000 mg daily. Omega-3’s aid in the brain’s neuron connectivity. Enteric coated capsules help prevent burping the fishy tasting oil but you can also freeze them. Throw in a good multi-vitamin and avoid overly processed foods in favor of complex carbohydrates (whole grains), fish, free range meats, & vegetables and you’re good to go.

Sleep you sleep late night it can be a big reason of your depression because your mind needs proper rest. You must change your sleep routine so that it’s more conducive to a good night’s rest. Turn your lights down and go to bed at the same time every night. Turn the TV. off. Engage in calming, quiet activities like reading, taking a warm bath, etc. Remember a tired body and quiet mind are the requirements for quality sleep.

Predicting Effectives of Antidepressants

Some severely depressed people need medicines to control their depression, but most people can conquer depression by following the suggestions in this excerpt. Even those people on prescribed medicines for depression will benefit from the suggestions here. If you feel severely depressed, most psychiatrists will use trial and error to find a drug that will help you. But certain blood and urine tests can detect biological depression, pinpoint which drugs are most likely to be effective, and reduce the risk of depression recurring by determining when the biological imbalance ends. For the fastest, most effective treatment of severe depression, find a psychiatrist who will use the dexamethasone suppression test (DST), the thyrotrophic-releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation test, and the MHPG urine test. In both the DST and TRH stimulation test, the psychiatrist administers a hormone and monitors your body's response with blood tests. Using these tests finds imbalances and predicts the effectiveness of antidepressants. The MHPG urine test helps in choosing among antidepressants. The tricycles dose-prediction test, involving a test dose of antidepressant and a blood test 24 hours later, predicts therapeutic dose, minimizing dose changes and side effects. When psychiatrists prescribe an antidepressant, they should order one or more blood tests to make sure your blood level of the drug is in the effective therapeutic range.

Develop Interests, Participate in Activities

Perhaps one of the most common reasons for depression is a lack of enough interests and activities. A small number of them tend to become routine and often boring. Interests and activities are very important in mental health, contributing to self-esteem and happiness. They give satisfaction, help make you feel good about yourself, and keep your mind off problems and negative thoughts and emotions. Simply cultivating them can sometimes cure depression, grief, addiction, explosive anger, anxiety, excessive worrying, or guilt, especially if you do the activities whenever you feel the negative emotion. They are also important social skills that give you pleasant and interesting things to talk about, improving your conversation skills and helping in making and keeping friends. Children with many interests and activities are less likely to have behavior problems, including alcohol or drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, violence, and crime later on. Their wide variety of interests keep them busy and out of trouble and naturally build different circles of friends, so they are less likely to be influenced by the wrong kind of friend.

There are three main kinds of helpful interests and activities: pleasurable, constructive, and altruistic. Of course, pleasurable activities give us enjoyment. We may do them just for fun or relaxation. Constructive activities produce or accomplish something and give a sense of pride. Examples include getting things done around the house, working on a project, practicing a skill, or studying a subject that interests you. Altruistic activities help other people. Examples include teaching a friend a craft, helping sick or old people, or volunteer work. Altruistic activities give companionship, gratitude from other people, and a sense of pride. Helping others is one of the best ways to lift yourself spiritually. Helping less fortunate people can also give a healthy sense of perspective. For example, your personal problems may appear trivial after a day volunteering with mental patients or dying cancer patients.

Having only a few interests and activities doesn't help very much in fighting boredom, depression, or other problems. You can best improve mental health by developing and practicing many of them until you do them well. Truly happy and productive people love life and often enjoy 50 to 100 of them. Strive toward the ideal of the Renaissance man-a well-rounded person with broad social, cultural, and intellectual interests and skills. You may find it difficult to think and come up with new interests and activities. We often forget many we once enjoyed or we were once curious about. Depressed people are especially likely to have forgotten previous interests and activities. Go to the library and ask the librarian for help in finding a list of interests and activities, or use the list in the book Family Desk Reference to Psychology.

Of course, depressed people often find it very difficult to motivate themselves and often reject new interests and activities without trying them or after one attempt. But even happy people don't enjoy interests without first cultivating them. We often don't enjoy a new activity right away. Instead, it may take time to become accustomed to a new activity and for interest and pleasure to grow. You may need to learn to relax in the new situation or to develop some expertise or skill before you can learn to enjoy it. Don't reject new activities before giving them a chance. Try any new activity at least several times, with an open mind. Motivate yourself with rewards for engaging in new activities and getting things done. You might decide you must buy your groceries and finish all your laundry before you take a nap. If you smoke cigarettes, you might avoid smoking until you try a new activity or accomplish something. Ask friends and family members to help motivate you, too.


causes of great depression

symptoms of depression

great depression

synthroid depression

neurontin depression anxiety
geriatric depression scale
life during the great depression
depression test
economic depression

depression glass